Call me narcissist if you must but this blog is all about ME. I have another blog about my kids, whom I love and adore writing about. But I was Nicole a long time before I was mom and I don't intend to give up being Nicole overnight.

You can read all about my kids at Naptime Optional.
Or you can follow along on our Arizona adventure on my 365 project blog.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Beating a dead horse

So-you are tired of hearing about the Studio Lighting Photowalk, I'm sure.

I recently saw the a wrap-up video shot by photographerJeremy Hall and if you are interested in photography even just a little it does a good job of showing the different lighting set ups that were at the Photowalk and is a tad interesting.

But the REAL reason I'm sharing it here is because I made it in the video! At 5:31 the classy looking photographer with the camera up to her face is me! And there's a nice view of my back in the following frame, too.

Yea, shameless, I know. But hey, it is MY blog. :)

1 comment:

HeidiPie said...

Loved it! Thanks for sharing the videos. I saw you twice!! That looks like it would be really fun to go too, although I don't have a really cool camera like you. =) I really liked the pictures you took and the cropped you did.