Call me narcissist if you must but this blog is all about ME. I have another blog about my kids, whom I love and adore writing about. But I was Nicole a long time before I was mom and I don't intend to give up being Nicole overnight.

You can read all about my kids at Naptime Optional.
Or you can follow along on our Arizona adventure on my 365 project blog.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails

That's what they say little boys are made of. But last week I photographed my newborn nephew and I'm pretty sure that, at least for now, he's made of pure sweetness with a dash of new baby smell.

BYU Baby-47

Despite his innocent countenance he was kind of a nightmare to photograph. Okay, nightmare might be a bit harsh. But man, newborns are hard to photograph. Especially when you strip off all their clothes and then rip them out of the arms of their mother. They don't like that. Just in case you were wondering.

BYU Baby-14

I turned the heat up in the house. We used a heating pad to keep the bean bag warm. And then we snapped quickly during the 2 seconds he was content each time we put him down.

BYU Baby-31

BYU Baby-9

BYU Baby-23

He was so anxious for us to not unwrap him again that he was hanging onto that blanket with everything he had....

BYU Baby-17

This is his old man face.

BYU Baby-5

And is there anything more precious than tiny baby feet?

BYU Baby-61

Hugs and kisses new nephew! Welcome to the family!


MAH said...

Pictures turned out cute! Nice job Niki!

Dana said...

Tip. I learned this the hard way. Make sure they are VERY full. Full tummies = sleepy babies. and then make sure they are 100% asleep.

That is my biggest problem. I get impatient. The parents are sitting there and the baby looks content, but they are not 100% out. If you move them too soon, they will freak out and you have to start over.

Also, use 2 blankets. One small tiny one between mom and baby and one to drape over them. That way when you move them, they don't get a cold tummy. Just tuck the small one under or remove it right before they are on the warm bean bag. Leave the top one on till you are ready to shoot and then gradually remove it so it's not a huge temp change.

Good luck. These look good!

Emilee said...

LOVE them!

Andria said...

Oh, this little guy is so darling! And the pics are awesome! Nice job, Natalie and Nicole.

Holly said...

Squee! Look at all that cuteness. Great idea with the rings on his toes.

I got to hold a five-week-old baby today. There's nothing like the feeling of being around a tiny baby.

Congrats to your family.

orangemily said...

You got some awesome shots, he is so cute!
Wish Enna would have cooperated so we could get some cute sleeping baby shots. Silly babies!