Call me narcissist if you must but this blog is all about ME. I have another blog about my kids, whom I love and adore writing about. But I was Nicole a long time before I was mom and I don't intend to give up being Nicole overnight.

You can read all about my kids at Naptime Optional.
Or you can follow along on our Arizona adventure on my 365 project blog.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

WANTED: Good Karma!

I'm not sure what I've done to upset the universe. But it seems to have it out for me. Now I don't really have room to complain. Nothing truly catastrophic has happened to me. But lots and lots of little, annoying things keep happening. And I'm wondering how to change my luck.

Today it was my glasses. I got new glasses just a few months ago. I had to get them because my old ones (that weren't really very old and that I actually really liked) turned up missing. I looked and looked and looked and they were just nowhere to be found. I'm actually suspecting that Harrison threw then away, since he has a propensity for doing that these days. I've pulled the phone and the remote control out of the trash more times that I can count.

Anyway, so I get out of the shower this morning to see that Harrison has my glasses. (Apparently in my glasses case in my drawer on my nightstand isn't secure enough to keep them out of his hands!) And he has already snapped the ear piece off. Yup, clean off.

Well, they are the only pair of glasses I have. So I loaded everybody up in the car and we headed to Costco, hoping that something could be done for my poor glasses.

The gal at the Optical Center just looked at me like I was crazy when I asked if they could be fixed. So then I asked if I could at least reuse the same lenses. Turns out they don't carry my particular frame anymore (at least at that location) so unless I can find another location that still has some left I can't reuse my lenses, either. And will have to buy a whole new pair of glasses.

So, if you have a little extra good karma you're not currently using would you please send a little my way? Thanks! I'd appreciate it.


Anonymous said...

maybe you have my "no chain letters" and broken mirrors bad luck. sorry!!!!

Karen said...

Yeah....I think it doesn't so much have to do with Karma as it does with having kids. I would suggest straight jackets for when you have to shower or us the bathroom, but I think that is considered child abuse. My son and my youngest are sitting in their beds right now for coloring with crayons on my hardwood floors, mashing bananas into the carpet, clogging the downstairs toilet with a roll of toilet paper and oh never mind....I can't even end it there. On second should continue to look for that good Karma. Let me know when you find it.

Karen said...

Yeah....I think it doesn't so much have to do with Karma as it does with having kids. I would suggest straight jackets for when you have to shower or us the bathroom, but I think that is considered child abuse. My son and my youngest are sitting in their beds right now for coloring with crayons on my hardwood floors, mashing bananas into the carpet, clogging the downstairs toilet with a roll of toilet paper and oh never mind....I can't even end it there. On second should continue to look for that good Karma. Let me know when you find it.

orangemily said...

That's terrible!
Good luck finding the same frames!

Jen said...

sorry but I can only send wine. Wine makes all the little annoyances better.

Anonymous said...

I just spent the last few minutes envisioning you and me at Costco after finding out about the glasses. I gave you a big hug, volunteered to watch the kids, and sent you off to relax and buy a donut! Hope you enjoy it because I'm having a blast with the kids :~)

Andria said...

I'm putting it out to the Universe. Nicole's life is filled with good things and happy events.

Holly said...

Oh, boy. If I had any karma to lend, I would! My karma bank is probably bankrupt! ;)

What is it about glasses that fascinates kids? My friend's son bent mine.

An Ordinary Mom said...

Ugh ... so sorry! I hope you have gotten them fixed ... and I will send you as much good karma as I can (don't know how much of that I have myself, lol).