Call me narcissist if you must but this blog is all about ME. I have another blog about my kids, whom I love and adore writing about. But I was Nicole a long time before I was mom and I don't intend to give up being Nicole overnight.

You can read all about my kids at Naptime Optional.
Or you can follow along on our Arizona adventure on my 365 project blog.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

my blogging opinion, for what it's worth

So it is my humble opinion that anybody who ALREADY has both a blog and a flickr account should be using their flickr account to add photos to their blog. Because they work so beautifully and seamless together so it makes no sense not to do it that way and it drives me slightly nuts when people don't.

And anybody who blogs and doesn't have a flickr account should get a flickr account.

And even if you don't blog but you like to look at or share pictures online you should also get flickr account. because basically flickr is THE BEST photo sharing site ever (for reasons I'll go into if you really want me to....) so there.

that's all. for now.


orangemily said...

Kudos on Flickr!

UTSquishy said...

I think everyone that has Flickr or Blogger Should sign up for Plaxo and attach their Flickr and Blogger accounts. That way you can easily keep track of when everyone posts to Flickr or Blogger or a great number other Social Networking Sites.

Do It..... You'll Love it. I do. And then you'll remember to read your family's blogs once a week when you get an e-mail that tells you they posted, or daily when you check Plaxo; instead of when someone else tells you to read a particular post that they happened to check.